You read that right! 10 years ago my family moved to Saudi Arabia. We lived in the Eastern Province for the first 7 years,then spent 3 years in Riyadh and now we have made our way closer to the Haramain. Masha’Allah! Not much to update you on, as the 3 years spent in Riyadh were pretty hectic. I went from a Stay At Home Mom to straight hustling! I worked, tutored and developed several entrepreneurial projects. All of that, along with raising my 4 wonderful children. My children were actually my inspiration behind my Head Lice Treatment and Removal Service (now in Jeddah!!!).


This summer the daughter of a friend of mine got married in Jeddah, so we did another Umm Adam Family Road Trip  (National Lampoon has nothing on us!), we also made our first umrah in 3 years. The thought of being closer to Makkah and able to make frequent umrah trips,plus finding out about a great Quran program and being around a great bunch of sisters is what put my plan in action.We returned home in the middle of July, I ran the idea of moving by my dear husband and he was supportive of it. By the end of August we moved to Jeddah walillahil hamd!

Right now I am still getting settled into Jeddah. I have my precious ones in great Islamic schools. Once I find a reliable driver, insha’Allah, then maybe I can update this old blog with more Umm Adam Family Adventures, insha’Allah!