…and I’m tired. It was business not pleasure, so I don’t have anything exciting to share. I did get to have lunch and dinner with some Saudi and American friends that I haven’t seen in a while – alhamduillah. I did snap a pic or two of somethings I found interesting in Riyadh.Image2289

Honestly, this is something that bothered me even back in my NOI days, when I told you guys about that fine brother I wanted to marry. Him and the rest of his FOI buddies drank non alcoholic beer. To me it is playing a dangerous game and could possibily fall into the haram , because it imitates the kufar. Why drink non alcoholic beer if you are a born Muslim (like Saudis)? If you are a convert who likes the taste of beer, why even remind yourself of that mess? I don’t get it. How can conservative Riyadh alklow thos to be displayed?


This is near King Fahad Medical City on one of the busiest streets. This is a tent pitched in a lot and it appears as though a man in a wheel chair lives in . I just found that interesting….


Adam loves airplanes and cars and absolutely has had a great time on the 5 flights he’s taken in the last two weeks- masha’Allah. However, this week he asked everyday to go home. He woke up in the middle of the night crying saying he wanted to go home. He spent so much time asking to go home that I had to pray that we would be alright, because I was worried he was having a preminition or something. Subhanalllah! Needless, to say I was relieved when we arrived home safely today – alhamduillah.


and now that we are back and I attempt to document this trip on my blog, that^ is what I sdee when I turned around to see what he was up to. The boy is cutting the hair off of his toy horse… or is that his sister’s horse? Anyway, I’m pooped and it’s past our bedtime. I needed to get this in before my husband takes his lap top back to his office tomorrow. My old decrepid pc doesn’t alow me to blog sometimes or facebook or hotmail. My new water damaged by Adoomie laptop has not been repaired yet. So I’ll see ya when I see ya insha’Allah 🙂